Handle Canadian Laws

Example: In Nepal, strike resulted in violation confrontation between   police and the demonstrators.
Adjusting to Canadian law was not very difficult for me. In Nepal, laws are present but it is not properly enforced or followed by many. People get away with violation of these laws easily.  Constant protests and strikes are very common in Nepal. So when I came to Canada, I found it very peaceful. The only strike I noticed for the first time after I came to Canada was the OC Transpo strike. I was very astonished at how peaceful the strike was. The strikes that I have witnessed in Nepal were very destructive.

Even these sign boards were new to me.
I found people were very obedient to the law. From anywhere to wearing a seat belt while driving to public intoxication, most Canadians follow the rules. My family is strict about rules and regulations. Thus, to me adjusting to the rule was no problem.  It was just a matter of realizing what kinds of laws existed in Canada and following them correctly.  To this day, I have never had problem with the Canadian law. I have learnt that in Canada as long as you don’t  do anything to violate the law, you will never encounter  any sort of problems living in Canada.