Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Cultural Overview - Canada

Canada and Nepal are very different. In fact, these countries cannot be compared under the same dimension or measure. They are culturally and geographically distant. Canada is a developed economy and Nepal is an under developed country. Religion, language, customs, tradition, food and laws are all different.  Nepalese culture is influenced by the Indian culture similar to how the Canadian culture is influenced by American culture. Therefore my experiences with both the cultures are very different from one another.  

My postings will definitely reflect things that I experienced during my first year in Canada, where I was 15 at that time.  I cannot say that moving into Canada as a 15 year old was a smooth transition but I  think I got the opportunity to learn more about the culture than my parents did . Living in Nepal and then living in Canada exposed me to two radically different cultures. It helped me prepare for future voyages that I will make during my lifetime.